Reminder: Seamonkey 2.0 Testday Tomorrow!

The MozQA community is holding a Testday tomorrow, Friday, December 11th, for users interested in the use, development and/or testing of Seamonkey 2.0! We’re going to have Robert Kaiser, the lead for SeaMonkey available to help users test the new project, learn how to report out the results of the tests and just generally chat about the project with the community via IRC Chat (channel #testday on irc:// So, if you’re interested, come on by anytime between 7AM to 5PM PDT tomorrow!
For more information, please go to:
If you’d like to play around with the latest version of Seamonkey before the test day, feel free to go here to grab it:
We also have candidate builds for our next security update, SeaMonkey 2.0.1, already available for testing:
See you there!

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