Monthly Archives: November 2015


Until now I have been used to report new bugs with status UNCONFIRMED, even if I was absolutely sure that the report was concerning a real bug and complete enough so that a developer can take on. Reason is that … Continue reading

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Status update

Long story short, SeaMonkey’s upload and download hosts have changed and with that, some of the configuration parameters needed changing in the backend.  No problem.  Can’t be that hard.  Changed the configs… boom.  Green. If only things were so simple … Continue reading

Posted in seamonkey | 2 Comments

QA: New Whiteboard tag “[easyconfirm]”

For the SeaMonkey project I now use a new Bugzilla Whiteboard tag “[easyconfirm]” for UNCONFIRMED Bugzilla bug reports, which can be easily reproduced also by Bugzilla newbies. So these bug reports are ideal for some first bug confirming attempts and to … Continue reading

Posted in General, seamonkey | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

SeaMonkey 2.39 additional Release Notes

Additionally to the very outdated “official” Release Notes here you find some more information concerning changes with SeaMonkey 2.39. New features Please see Wiki-Page. I do not know which Firefox42 – features made it into  SeaMonkey A Bugzilla query shows  … Continue reading

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SeaMonkey 2.39 is out

Compared to 2.38,  this was a bit of a struggle to get 2.39 done.  Made some mistakes along the way; but, with a sigh of relief, SeaMonkey 2.39 is out. Now, on to getting the infra back on track… a … Continue reading

Posted in seamonkey | 20 Comments

SeaMonkey 2.39b1 information

Here some additional information concerning the new beta release (official release notes here unfortunately are very outdated) . There are some possible  Regressions compared to 2.38 (bugs, what appeared after release of  SeaMonkey 2.38).  It would be great if some … Continue reading

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SeaMonkey 2.39b1 is out!

After fixing some problems stemming from infra-code changes from 2.38’s release and some hiccups in the network, we’ve finally released 2.39b1. Here’s hoping the next release would be less painful. 😛 :ewong

Posted in seamonkey | 1 Comment

SeaMonkey 2.39b1 delayed…

… until we find out what’s troubling the final step. :ewong

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