WHERE IS 2.40?

Up until now, I thought 2.35 was a painful spin….

2.40 is completely crazy! Between working on it with a fractured hand(right hand), and all the problems jumping out at every corner, I’m still wondering (albeit softly to myself) whether 2.40 will be released with my sanity intact.

Now,  I do confess I bungled up on the first three builds. Can’t fault anyone on that.  Forgot to change the relbranch on two instances.

So we’re up to build 4. (Personal record, btw.)

Building wise, things are ‘ok’.  Linux* built ok.  OSX64 built ok but failed on the crash-symbols upload. (Fixed the issue. Just retriggered.) WinNT is building (but I worry, since I’m building on a new loaner — the previous loaner was decommissioned without any notice, so I lost  some work there as well as losing track of what needed to be done.)

But the l10n part failed. So we’re figuring that out.

Sorry for the delay. Being out of commission for a few weeks has set my whole scheme out of wack.


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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5 Responses to WHERE IS 2.40?

  1. Ant says:

    Thanks for the updates. Please get healed soon. 🙂

  2. aerosmith says:

    Thank you very much for the update. Eagerly waiting for 2.40. Also will there be a 64bit release of SeaMonkey for windows?

    • Seamonkey Family Hug! says:

      Thanks for the update, ewong; I have been wondering about the current status with you, and our long-awaited 2.40. A big SeaMonkey family hug, in the meantime! 8|

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