Up and Running Again

I just wanted to take this time to tell anyone still subscribed to “The Official SeaMonkey Blog” that as of right now it is up and running.
We are making a renewed and strong effort to populate this blog with new content. Be sure to check back here for announcements of releases, including candidate builds and milestones.
And from time to time we would also like to have project progress reports, theme and extension developer news items, security announcements that affect our users, and some demonstrations of new or underused SeaMonkey features.
Thank you, as always, for using SeaMonkey!

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7 Responses to Up and Running Again

  1. Chris Ilias says:

    What do you think of putting the SeaMonkey Blog on seamonkey-project.org?

  2. Callek says:

    Thanks for the suggestion Chris!
    I do believe KaiRo has some plan about grabbing this feed to mirror to seamonkey-project.org and/or a link to here from there.

  3. I don’t have plans for mirroring it on seamonkey-project.org but it will get linked there soon, I just didn’t have time yet to add that link.

  4. Keith says:

    It’ll be nice to know when new candidate releases and builds that you guys want tested are variable. I hope you can keep this blog updated this time.
    I also don’t think that you’d have to mirror the blog. You’d just have to syndicate: extract the information from the RSS feed. PHP and probably other server-side languages have libraries to make that easy, so it probably wouldn’t bet hard at all.

  5. General List says:

    Is there a Sea Monkey presence in or near the City of Chicago, Illinois USA ?

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