The Next Beta…


We’re now spinning the next beta, dub “Ranch Flavor”…

No.  Not really.  We’re really spinning the next beta.  It’s SeaMonkey 2.38b1.

We are expecting a lot less problems, though the following issue (as of this writing) will persist:

1) Source tarball upload will most likely be done manually.  The reason is that the c-b source needed updating and the code that’s supposed to help us in this regard, hasn’t been reviewed (and ergo, pushed to c-*).  That isn’t a problem since I am at the terminal and readying myself to do it manually.

In the light of being transparent, at the get go for this beta, I goofed up (again) and had to restart the process.  I will just blame the gremlins this time. (Actually, I won’t.  I ‘fess.)

Anyway… will post news on the progress…



About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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