And now for something completely different…

…yet related.

I’d like to step back from the bustle that I call “Win32build” and post something that hasn’t been done for sometime but is very much implied throughout the years.

As everyone knows, we are a small team of voluntary contributors.  We all  have our own priorities to look after (family, work, down time…etc).  I’m sure no one can fault us for that.  (At this point, this might start to sound like an apology for the delay.  It isn’t.  I think I’ve apologized about that in the past.  This is different.)

Being the relative newcomer to this project(6 years and counting), I’m amazed at how everyone within the project has so much knowledge that  seems like I’ll never grasp.   I’ve been doing Release Engineering for SeaMonkey for some time now and I’m still struggling to figure out the big picture and even the small picture eludes me.  And through this struggle, I’ve made mistakes.  Sure, this is one way of learning and truth be told, it is.  That said, I  want to thank everyone within the project for allowing me to make these mistakes[and *I’ve* made a lot of repeated mistakes (memory lapses notwithstanding)]; the patience these guys have is simply amazing.

So, guys thank you very much!  [Especially to Callek.  The amount of questions/queries/pings I’ve sent this guy, could probably make a novel, if not, a novelette.  Or maybe a short play?]

Yet they aren’t the only ones need thanking.

No. They aren’t.

SeaMonkey users(triagers, testers, bug-reporters, and general users).  As corny as this may sound, you are the reason for us to continue working on this project.  Your utmost patience, understanding, and faith in our small team is something that I and I’m sure other team members, would not trade for.  So I would like to take this opportunity and on behalf of the project, to thank all the SeaMonkey users out there.  Thank you very much for your continual support!

While the team does have a lot of things to do (read: bugs to fix); we will do our best to fix them and make SeaMonkey even better.









About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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3 Responses to And now for something completely different…

  1. Ant says:

    And thank YOU too! 😀

  2. That’s the real community attitude: Obviously, none of us is in it for the money (not even Kairo and Callek, who may possibly get some pay for the work they do for /Firefox/), so there must be something else: if it isn’t “work”, it has to be “play”, i.e. doing it for the fun, or “duty”, i.e. doing it for the moral satisfaction of doing what has to be done, and in this case with no hope for a reward except the satisfaction of one’s own conscience. Ever heard a Microsoft engineer thank the customers for having allowed him to learn by doing mistakes? Let’s not be kidding! No one (not the MS engineers, not their bosses, and not their customers) would ever allow that.

  3. XFox says:

    Thank you too guys! 🙂

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