Additionally to the very outdated “official” Release Notes here you find some more information concerning changes with SeaMonkey 2.39.
New features
Please see Wiki-Page. I do not know which Firefox42 – features made it into SeaMonkey
A Bugzilla query shows SeaMonkey 2.39-specific RFE-Fixes – for “Bug 1153577 – Users should be able to hide the menu bar and show it with the ALT key” there might be a problem with Ubuntu/Unity.
- Bugs in SeaMonkey 2.38 what have been fixed for SeaMonkey 2.39.
- Bugs which have been fixed in Thunderbird and Firefox since SeaMonkey 2.38. Not all bugs in Firefox or Thunderbird do affect SeaMonkey, but also it is not sure that all fixes will work in SeaMonkey.
New bugs
The “Known -Issues“- list is outdated, here an attempt for a more realistic overview.
Possible new bugs (“Regressions“)
- Possible new bugs in SeaMonkey — only those with Status New or Assigned already have been confirmed as real bugs
- Possible new bugs, caused by regressions in Firefox oder in Thunderbird, which also might affect SeaMonkey.
Old and new bugs
A horribly long list, what does not consider that not all Thunderbird– and Firefox-bugs are relevant for SeaMonkey. And many of them are UNCONFIRMED or outdated (have been fixed in between).
Thanks to all who made possible this release.