SeaMonkey 2.53.5

Hi everyone,

Just want to update everyone that SeaMonkey 2.53.5 has been released.

The team is also following this up with a .1 release due to a bug in the video code (that’s as specific that I can get as I haven’t caught up to what’s going on).


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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5 Responses to SeaMonkey 2.53.5

  1. Ant says:

    Thanks even though it came out on Friday, the 13th. I haven’t actually seen any issues on my computers so far after upgrading their SeaMonkeys this late morning PST.

  2. Frank-Rainer Grahl says: will basically add some preliminary support for macOS Big Sur and correct av1 detection. The last one is a minor issue and everyone should update to 2.53.5 till is ready.

  3. Commander_Keen says:

    Affecting video playback or what?

  4. markinson says:

    Great job, as usual! Thanks a lot!!!

  5. Bailey Giordano says:

    Goodluck with the bugs! Keep up the great work team 🙂

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