SeaMonkey is released!

Hi all,

The SeaMonkey project would like to announce the official release of SeaMonkey  As this is a security release, please update if you can.


PS: Has the project ever announced an unofficial release?.. hrm..

About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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3 Responses to SeaMonkey is released!

  1. markinson says:

    One again: THANK YOU so much for your incredible work and passion!

  2. ilmar says:

    I don’t know what’s the matter, but since version 2.53.5 the browser began to freeze very often. it is very sad.

  3. Wolpi says:

    Also a HUGE thank you from my side. I REALLY appreciate your hard work. THANK YOU so much for keeping Seamonkey alive!

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