SeaMonkey 2.53.15 Beta 1 re-released

Hi All,

After much fiddling and fudging (well, not really), just managed to release build 3 of SeaMonkey 2.53.15b1.  Build 1 was a mix up and not sure what happened with build 2.

Anyway, build 3 is out.

Updates have been enabled.


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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3 Responses to SeaMonkey 2.53.15 Beta 1 re-released

  1. Myrddin R Emrys says:

    Happy Holidays to Everyone who makes SeaMonkey a reality.!
    And, to everyone who uses SeaMonkey too.!

    May your days be cheery and bright
    ..or if you’re an avid gamer
    …bleary & victorious.!!

    I raise my mug to you all.!

  2. Kai says:

    Thank you for all your time and effort, much appreciated!
    And a happy new year!

  3. -H says:

    Keep up the good work! Your persistence is highly appreciated!

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