Sierra Mike…

“This is Release approach.  You are cleared for approach on runway 32 right.”

“Roger… Runway 32 right.”

With that intro, I’d like to say that we are pretty much close to release.  Just only a couple of things to do.  Once the website is updated, I, or someone else, will announce the release.

After that, I’ll be prep’ing for SeaMonkey 2.38beta1.


PS: It’s kind a pretentious, sorry.  Just very happy that we’ve finally gotten to this point and it only took a week.

About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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8 Responses to Sierra Mike…

  1. Edmund, thanks so much for your (and Callek’s) tireless work on this!

  2. Martin says:

    I don’t know if anyone can help. My SeaMonkey browser is taking up the entire screen. Nothing at the top, my computer taskbar at the bottom is covered. Thanks if anyone can help.

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