Contributed Win64 builds…

Hi All,

I’ve finally managed to generate Win64 contributed builds for both the Installer and the zip file .

Since this is the very *first* Win64 contributed build, please run it with a new profile.

Disclaimer:  While I have tried it myself, I’m not able to test it out thoroughly since there are other stuff I need to do (enable Official Linux64 builds for one, getting the updates properly done, etc..)  Please do report here or the newsgroups as to how it fairs on your system.


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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6 Responses to Contributed Win64 builds…

  1. Pingback: Official 64 Bit Trunk builds for Windows available | SeaMonkey Internet Suite

  2. Saul Luizaga says:

    Could you please team up with the 32-bit team and release stable 64-bit versions based on their stable releases? I’d like to use the 64-bit versions but not those experiments you release on, would be way better to release stable 64-bit versions there, you’re giving SeaMonkey and 64-bit versions a bad impression to the Internet

    • ewong says:

      We don’t release on In fact, until now, I’ve never heard of The only place we release to is “”.

      I guess I need to step up the code-signing/gpg-verifying process.

  3. frg says:

    Previously they just picked the latest akalla build and now they are just copying the latest (broken) nightly build.

  4. Saul Luizaga says:

    Not much of problem I think, just incomplete work

  5. Saul Luizaga says:

    Why I can edit my previous comment? Anyway here is the link

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