SeaMonkey 2.53.3 has been released!

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to notify all that SeaMonkey 2.53.3 has been released.

Keep safe and healthy, everyone!


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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14 Responses to SeaMonkey 2.53.3 has been released!

  1. Pingback: Выпуск интегрированного набора интернет-приложений SeaMonkey 2.53.3 — Linux News

  2. LuvKomputrs says:

    May SeaMonkey keep ongoing!
    KUDOS to ALL at the SeaMonkey council! 🙂

  3. Pingback: SeaMonkey 2.53.3 has been released! | SeaMonkey Project Blog | SeaMonkey Internet Suite

  4. Zerebralus says:

    Good morning 🙂

    well, great news and many thx for the hard work to keep this project running!!

  5. Robert Truss says:

    Thanks as always! Since 20… ever.

  6. Kami says:

    Great!! Thanks team!

  7. Wladimir Mutel says:

    Still have problems with popup dialogs bound to address bar. Like, save/update password, or allow geolocation access, or enabe/disable notifications. Buttons are shown without text labels, and clicking on them apparently does nothing.

  8. DavidB says:

    Fantastic! I’m so glad to see the continued development of my favorite web browser suite. Heck, are there any other browser suites out there anymore?

    I’m very happy to contribute (financially) what I can to help support the project. Please keep up the great work!

  9. D A. says:

    I’ve noticed with 2.53.1 that Seamonkey starts using about 300K memory but after a day or so creeps up to 1.4M of memory being used. I don’t know what’s causing it but it does slow down my computer and websites.

  10. DA says:

    Memory usage really shoots up on youtube. What gives.

  11. markinson says:

    Really G-R-E-A-T! Thank you all for your extraordinary work!

  12. Chromo says:

    Thanks for continuing to update it!

    However, I cannot load pages on MacOS after updating from 2.49

  13. xrror says:

    Hoping you didn’t get hit by the recently announced mozilla layoffs!

  14. Some questions are asked more frequently than others. Have a look at the SeaMonkey FAQ. Maybe your particular problem has already been solved.

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