It took a bit longer than previously expected, but that fact makes the SeaMonkey team even more thrilled to announce SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1, previewing the next generation of the successful Internet suite.
Building on the great heritage of the Netscape Communicator and Mozilla Application suites, SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1 combines a state-of-the-art web browser based on the same core as Firefox 3.5.1 with a solid email and newsgroups client and a simple HTML editor, rounding the experience with web development tools and IRC chat.
In addition to the changes in the alpha releases, this version features
- the same browser core and web feature support as Firefox 3.5.1,
- a reworked download manager, including support for cross-session resumable downloads,
- localized builds – Windows/Linux/Mac packages are available in 15 languages officially (two additional ones are experimental) from day 1,
- feed preview and improved feed subscription from the browser,
- fully customizable mail/news toolbars,
- mail archiving support,
- and a lot of other, smaller improvements.
The release notes include a detailed list of improvements in comparison to SeaMonkey 1.1.17, our current stable release.
We welcome any and all discussions on this beta on our newsgroups, or you can even file a bug if you find one. Be sure to check our Known Issues prior to filing bugs.
SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta 1 is available for free download on the SeaMonkey website. Once you have downloaded and installed this release, we’d like to encourage you to get involved in discussing and reporting problems as well as further improving the product.
Thanks for testing and helping us to make SeaMonkey even better!
any chance that “private browsing” will come with 2.0?
I have been testing 2.0B1 and I am wondering how I can remove the Bookmark folder from the Personal Toolbar. Removing this folder in 1.1.17 is possible in Preferences – Browser.
Hey guys, keep up the good stuff. I just LOVE this release, a marked improvement from Alpha 3. It’s fast and rock solid, so much I’ve been using it as my main browser/mail client for about a month now, and not a single problem to report.
Looking up to the final release with great anticipation 🙂
No, private browsing is not planned yet for any SeaMonkey release. That probably will only change if someone comes up and works on it.
Right-click on the toolbar (outside actual bookmark elements), select customize and you can drag and drop the bookmarks button anywhere you want, also out of the toolbar and effectively removing it.
Thanks for your support!
The recent posts about customers’ Firefox upgrade confusion ( )reminded me to comment about my own SeaMonkey upgrade confusion. I have many of the questions Laura mentions.
I think SeaMonkey 2 betas need more information about upgrading. All the install-and-uninstall page says is “will overwrite your existing installation of SeaMonkey”; does that refer to the profile or the program directory, or both? It’s a beta, so people will want to be able to revert to the old version.
After backing up the current SM 1.1 profile, I’m not sure what to do: rename the SM 1.1 program directory and install in the same directory, uninstall SM 1.1 first, install SM2 side-by-side sharing the profile, or ?? Some more guidance would reduce uncertainty.
Thanks for all you do!
Hi Robert,
Many thanks for this advise (bookmark in personal toolbar). It worked fine.
I am just writing in 2.0b2.
Thanks to you, Robert, and to all others from the Seamonkey Project. You do really a great job.