News From the SeaMonkey Council

It’s been three years now since we announced any change in the lineup of the SeaMonkey Council, but in fact, we have done some of those in recent months, it just took us a while to get some good introductions written up as we’ve been more busy working on improving software than writing up statements – but now, we have completed some and can tell you about the changes at last.
While having some in-depth discussions on where SeaMonkey is going in the future, two of our long-time SeaMonkey Council members realized that involvement in leading this project has moved out of the center of their interests enough that they felt it would be better to leave this committee. While both Christian Biesinger (biesi) and Mark Banner (Standard8) note they still have a place in their hearts for SeaMonkey, they just don’t have the time and energy to be involved in managing the project any further. Both of them have contributed a lot to this project and we want to thank them for being able to build great products on the shoulders on their work and hopes they’ll help us where still possible even in the future.
As the team wanted to ensure we have a good group of dedicated people in this project management and steering committee, we decided on our developer meeting in Vienna to add two of our most active community members into the SeaMonkey Council: Philip Chee (Ratty), known from making a number of high-ranking Firefox add-ons available in SeaMonkey versions as well, and Justin Wood (Callek), who has been working hard recently on taking over a build and release engineer role for our project, will help manage this project from now on. now features introductions of all people in the new SeaMonkey Council, including Philip and Justin – and this new team is working together with the extended SeaMonkey community to make new and and better versions of the suite available in 2011 and beyond!

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