Update for lists of supporters (wiki)

Mozilla WikiUnfortunately our supporters list in the wiki has become very outdated and useless, because most of  the listed persons no longer do support SeaMonkey.

So I decided to rework that list, goal is to have a reliable overview what persons actively do support SeaMonkey and are available for questions of other users, support to SeaMonkey tasks and similar.

For former supporters who have left the SeaMonkey project I created a new page.

As preparation I wrote an e-mail to all persons listed in the old supporters table. My result:

  • 44 Wrong e-mail-addresses
  • 03  users who asked me to remove them from the table
  • 01 Users Who told me that he is still active
  • 02 Users who told me that they still are interested in contributing, but currently hibernating
  • 05 personal e-mails with various other contents
  • 108 e-mails without any automated or personal reaction

I expect that users, who received an e-mail but did not answer, are not interested in any contact or activity, so I removed them from the table. The result is a very short stub of an accurate supporters list.

Of course I know that this new list is incomplete, I do not know all supporters and did not yet find enough time for further research. So please add yourself to the list if you are active in the SeaMonkey project, if you agree that other supporters will  address you and if and your name is missing in the new list. If your name has been deleted from the old table you can simply copy / paste the text line with the table row for your name from an older Version of the wiki page. If you do not have a Wiki-account and do not want to create one for that single action please simply leave a comment here with required information, someone will add it to the table.

And of course, please update your entry and correct errors, any help to get a more useful “contact-brokering service” in the wiki is appreciated.

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