
Kinda thought it was toooo smooth.  The updates generation/checking portion of the release process totally hit an obstacle.  A code change in the updater program (something I totally missed, though am stumped as to why we didn’t encounter this for 2.49.1) screwed up the scripts.  I’ve fixed it and have retriggered the update verifications.  Unfortunately, windows’ verification is still busted.

So…  release will be delayed until Sat/Sun or perhaps earlier.

Note to self: Don’t talk about release eta until after that final verification step.  Otherwise, Murphy *will* find a way to put a kibosh on things.


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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One Response to welp…

  1. Kamikaze says:

    We have patience 😉


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