Download links are ok now

Hi Everyone,

Yes… I goofed up and what I had thought was uploaded wasn’t.

The download links are now working.

Sorry for my bad.


About ewong

I'm a SeaMonkey dev/RelEnger and a bit of a buildbot dev.
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7 Responses to Download links are ok now

  1. George says:

    Thanks Again! :)!

  2. 2.49.1 is beautiful on Linux, ewong: thank you tremendously for keeping up with my. much needed, ‘Dark Background on Light Text’ addon! I can’t imagine grad school, in tandem with my ultra-sensitive eyes, without it.

  3. LD says:

    Have they fixed the image bug. You can’t load images after you save in the editor

  4. Meticulac says:

    They do ahve a security error now, though:
    “You have asked Pale Moon to connect securely to, but we can’t confirm that your connection is secure.”
    “ uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: *, *, *, *, “

  5. Rebecca says:

    Hi! I have been using SeaMonkey for several years to create and update my web pages. After downloading the latest version, I can no longer link to a document simply by clicking on it in my browser but need to type in the title of the document. Has something changed? How do I fix this problem? P.S. I have an intranet site at a University that cannot be accessed from off-campus.

  6. Federico Tomasello says:

    Hello, maybe this is not the right place to report it but I’ve found that antivirus software (Dell SonicWall Gateway) in use at my company blocks downloading this link:
    with the following message:
    “Gateway Anti-Virus Alert
    This request is blocked by the Firewall Gateway Anti-Virus Service. Name: Neobar.BFPO_5 (Trojan) blocked.”
    I’ve emailed Dell some months ago and they recognized it to be an error but the online filter hasn’t been updated yet 🙁

    • rsx11m says:

      This happens occasionally with anti-virus software matching some binary snippet or behavior with a signature, only the AV vendor can fix that. They usually do that for /release/ builds, but the trunk build you are referring to is an unstable snapshot of current development, which change frequently, thus it’s unlikely that an AV vendor will take care of a false alert for those. The issue may resolve on its own with the next nightly build posted there.

      BTW: The forum at is better for such discussions.

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