Hi everyone,
The SeaMonkey Project team is pleased to announce the immediate release of SeaMonkey 2.53.14! There has been some changes, so please check out [1] and/or [2].
[1] – https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.53.14/
[2]- https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.14
PS: A confession: I haven’t been working too closely with the code and have only been doing the release engineering bit. So the work of actually building the code and ensuring running is kudos to everyone else(Ian and frg both driving the releases). While I don’t understand the code layout anymore; I do hope to figure it out soon. I just need a new laptop to build stuff and time. *sigh*
PPS: I’m slowly getting the crash stats working.
Thanks. 🙂
No internal updater yet?
Working on that. Should be available within the hour or so.
Just got it. Thanks again. 🙂
Oh, and I got the internal updates in macOS Big Sur v11.7, 64-bit W10 Pro., and Debian bullseye v11. Now, to use the updated SM. 🙂
All good, the update very much appreciated!
Thank you (all) for keeping seamonkey alive – great work & happy to see a good stable browser suite up to date
Now that I have Apple’s newest OS, Ventura, I can’t even open the Sea Monkey that I have been using for quite a while now. I tried downloading the newest version of Sea Monkey and that gave me the same error dialog box. What a disappointment. I will have to find another html editor unless you make it compatible to Ventura.
The latest stable build, 2.53.14, crashes on macOS Ventura. Anytime app is launched, the Mozilla Crash Report appears. This cannot be remedied with a safe boot. Is a new build coming soon?
out of curiosity: there are more and more websites that are broken in seamonkey (linkedin, FB, to name a few) while they are rendered correctly in other browsers. I recall digging into that rabbit hole at some point and turned out these website did have code-issues; but perhaps we should band the rules and adjust SM to let the broken code run so we are back in 21st century?
I’m quite a bit rusty in C++, but i’m free to help as needed.
Yes, it lacks most of the new code, since its based on Firefox 60. And I think, this is because of XUL was replaced in the “newer”, as is 2017 newer, Versions.
But Seamonkey needs XUL to run. So its stuck with incorporating security related fixes from the new code branches to the old renderer.
Eg. it misses a function that is quite often used in javascript, like a certain regex syntax.
I was wondering if not XUL could be further used in the email/irc part, along side the browser with up2date engine.
I think Rainer or someone that does manage the code might be able to tell us about it.
I followed the instructions https://www.seamonkey-project.org/doc/install-and-uninstall and now I am running seamonkey 2.53.14 on my 32-bit machine with xenialpup 7.5.